How to find numerology for newborn baby?

As a parent, you want to choose the perfect name for your newborn baby. But did you know that numerology can help you find a name that is not only beautiful but also has a special significance? Numerology is an ancient practice that is still widely used in India to find the right name for a newborn baby based on their birth date and time. In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding the perfect numerology name for your baby.

Understanding Numerology

Numerology is the study of the spiritual significance of numbers. In Indian or Vedic Numerology, each number has a unique vibration and can influence a person’s life. The numbers are derived from a person’s birth date and time, and they can reveal a lot about a person’s personality, behavior, and destiny. 

Calculating Your Baby’s Life Path Number

The first step in finding a numerology name for your baby is to calculate their life path number. To do this, you need to add up the digits of your baby’s birth date and reduce it to a single digit. For example, if your baby was born on May 10, 2023, you would add 5+1+0+2+0+2+3 = 13. Then you would reduce 13 to a single digit by adding 1+3 = 4. So your baby’s life path number would be 4.

Understanding Life Path Numbers

Each life path number has its own unique characteristics and potential. Here is a brief overview of each life path number in Indian numerology:

  • Life Path Number 1: Independent, ambitious, and confident
  • Life Path Number 2: Diplomatic, cooperative, and intuitive
  • Life Path Number 3: Creative, expressive, and optimistic
  • Life Path Number 4: Practical, hardworking, and disciplined
  • Life Path Number 5: Adventurous, versatile, and curious
  • Life Path Number 6: Responsible, nurturing, and loving
  • Life Path Number 7: Intellectual, introspective, and spiritual
  • Life Path Number 8: Ambitious, successful, and materialistic
  • Life Path Number 9: Humanitarian, compassionate, and idealistic

Finding a Numerology Name for Your Baby

Once you have calculated your baby’s life path number, you can use it to find a numerology name that is compatible with their personality and potential. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number, from 1 to 9, based on Indian numerology. You can use this system to calculate the numerology value of any name and see how it aligns with your baby’s life path number.

For example, if your baby’s life path number is 4, you might consider names that have a numerology value of 4 or are compatible with the number 4. Some examples of names with a numerology value of 4 include Ankit, Kartik, and Pranav. Names that are compatible with the number 4 include Aadhya, Anushka, and Vedika.

Tips for Choosing a Numerology Name

When choosing a numerology name for your baby, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Consider the meanings of the names: Each name has its own unique meaning, and you may want to choose a name that reflects your baby’s personality or potential.
  • Avoid names with negative connotations: Some names have negative meanings or associations that you may want to avoid.
  • Choose a name that is easy to pronounce: Your baby will be using their name for their entire life, so you want to choose a name that is easy to say and spell.
  • Consider the numerology value of the full name: You can also calculate the numerology value of the full name to get a more complete picture of how the name aligns with your baby’s life path number.

For example, if you chose the name Anushka for your baby, you would assign the following numbers to each letter:

  • A = 1
  • N = 5
  • U = 6
  • S = 3
  • H = 5
  • K = 2
  • A = 1

Adding these numbers together, you get 1+5+6+3+5+2+1 = 23. Reducing this to a single digit, you get 2+3 = 5. So the numerology value of the name Anushka is 5.

Other Factors to Consider

While numerology can be a helpful tool in finding a name for your baby, it is important to remember that it is just one factor to consider. In addition to numerology, you may want to consider cultural significance, family traditions, and personal preferences when choosing a name for your baby.


Finding the perfect name for your newborn baby is an important task, and numerology can be a helpful tool in the naming process. By calculating your baby’s life path number and the numerology value of different names, you can find a name that is compatible with their personality and potential. However, it is important to remember that numerology is just one factor to consider, and ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a name that you and your partner love and that feels right for your baby.


Is numerology a reliable way to find a name for my baby?

Numerology can be a helpful tool in the naming process, but it is important to consider other factors as well.

Can I use numerology to find a middle name for my baby?

Yes, you can use numerology to find a middle name for your baby.

Should I only choose a name based on numerology?

No, numerology is just one factor to consider when choosing a name for your baby. You may also want to consider cultural significance, family traditions, and personal preferences.

How do I calculate the numerology value of a name in Indian numerology?

Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number, from 1 to 9, based on Indian numerology. You simply add up the numbers assigned to each letter in the name and reduce it to a single digit.

Are there any names I should avoid based on numerology?

Some names may have negative meanings or associations that you may want to avoid.

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